Ling Liu's SC13 paper "Large Graph Processing Without the Overhead" featured by HPCwire.
ISTC-CC provides a listing of useful benchmarks for cloud computing.
Another list highlighting Open Source Software Releases.
Second GraphLab workshop should be even bigger than the first! GraphLab is a new programming framework for graph-style data analytics.
ISTC-CC 2014 Retreat: Talks
links to slides will be added as they become available
THURSDAY, September 4, 2014
Welcome -
Jeff Parkhurst (Intel, Program Director for ISTC-CC)
Rich Uhlig (Intel Labs, Executive Sponsor for ISTC-CC,
Intel Fellow)
Opening Remarks (no slides available)
Greg Ganger(CMU-PI) / Phil Gibbons (Intel-PI)
Center Overview
Research Talks Session 1:
Margaret Martonosi (Princeton)
Hardware-Software Interface Issues in Heterogeneous Systems: Design, Verification, and Programming
Ada Gavrilovska (Georgia Tech)
Personal Clouds: Sharing and Integrating Networked Resources to Enhance End User Experiences
Dong Zhou (CMU grad student) & Ren Wang (Intel Labs, SSR/NPL)
Cuckoo Hashing: From ISTC-CC to Intel’s DPDK
Research Talks Session 2:
M. Satyanarayanan (Satya) (CMU)
Towards Wearable Cognitive Assistance
Haoyuan (HY) Li (UC Berkeley grad student)
Tachyon: A Reliable Memory Centric Storage for Big Data Analytics
Research Talks Session 3:
Yucheng Low (GraphLab, Chief Architect, ISTC-CC alum)
What’s New with GraphLab
Ion Stoica (UC Berkeley)
Spark: What’s New and What’s Next
Alex Smola (CMU)
Scaling Distributed Machine Learning with the Parameter Server
Research Talks Session 4:
Onur Mutlu (CMU)
Some New Ideas in Memory System Design for Data-Intensive Computing
(pptx also available)
Alexey Tumanov (CMU grad student)
Scheduling Heterogeneous Resources in Cloud Datacenters
FRIDAY, September 5, 2014
Welcome - Scott Hahn (Intel Labs, Managing Sponsor for ISTC-CC, Principal Engineer)
Keynote Speaker:
Jim Blakley (Intel Data Center Group, Visual Cloud General Manager)
Visual Cloud – Video delivery, Cloud Graphics and Visual Understanding
Research Talks Session 5:
David Andersen (CMU)
Using RDMA Efficiently for Key-Value Services
Sudha Yalamanchili (Georgia Tech)
Optimizing Performance and Productivity on Heterogeneous Processors
Joey Gonzalez (UC Berkeley post-doc)
GraphX: Unifying Data-Parallel and Graph-Parallel Analytics
Garth Gibson (CMU)
Exploiting Bounded Staleness to Speed Up Big Data Analytics