Ling Liu's SC13 paper "Large Graph Processing Without the Overhead" featured by HPCwire.
ISTC-CC provides a listing of useful benchmarks for cloud computing.
Another list highlighting Open Source Software Releases.
Second GraphLab workshop should be even bigger than the first! GraphLab is a new programming framework for graph-style data analytics.
ISTC–CC October 2011 Status Report
The Pittsburgh lablet facility completed its transition to CMU and is the new home for the ISTCs for Cloud Computing (ISTC-CC) and Embedded Computing (ISTC-EC). The ISTC had an opening ceremony on Oct 19th at CMU with Wen-Hann Wang(Executive Sponsor) and Rich Uhlig(Managing Sponsor) in attendance along with Jared Cohon(CMU President) and Mark Kamlet(CMU Provost). The 6th International Open Cirrus summit was held at Georgia Tech with significant ISTC-CC participation. Getting great leverage on our ISTC dollars with Satya and Dan Siewiorek (CMU) receiving a $1.2M NSF award for ‘to the edge’ cloud research. Garth Gibson (CMU) received a $1.4M LANL award for ‘big data’ research. Ada Gavrilovska (GA Tech) received NSF funding for 'to the edge' cloud research as well. 4 papers were published in the last month along with 13 presentations.
ISTC Mission: Four inter-related research pillars (themes) architected to create a strong foundation for cloud computing of the future
The research agenda of the ISTC-CC is composed of the following four themes
- Specialization: Explores specialization as a primary means for order of magnitude improvements in efficiency (e.g., energy), including use of emerging technologies like non-volatile memory and specialized cores.
- Automation: Addresses cloud’s particular automation challenges, focusing on order of magnitude efficiency gains from smart resource allocation/scheduling and greatly improved problem diagnosis capabilities.
- Big Data: Addresses the critical need for cloud computing to extend beyond traditional big data usage (primarily, search) to efficiently and effectively support Big Data analytics, including the continuous ingest, integration, and exploitation of live data feeds (e.g., video or twitter).
- To theEdge: Explores new frameworks for edge/cloud cooperation that can efficiently and effectively exploit billions of context-aware clients and enable cloud-assisted client applications whose execution spans client devices, edge-local cloud resources, and core cloud resources.
Academic PI: Greg Ganger(CMU)
Executive Sponsor: Wen Hann Wang (CSR)
Managing Sponsor: Rich Uhlig (CSR-SAL)
Program Director: Jeff Parkhurst (APR)
Intel PI: Phil Gibbons
Intel Researchers:Michael Kiminsky, Mike Kozuch, Babu Pillai
AcademicPartners: Dave Andersen, Guy Blelloch, Garth Gibson, Carlos Guestrin, Mor Harchol-Balter, Todd Mowry, Onur Mutlu, Priya Narasimhan, M. Satyanarayanan, Dan Siewiorek (CMU); Mike Freedman, Margaret Martonosi and Kai Li(Princeton); Randy Katz, Anthony Joseph, and Ion Stoica(UCB); Karsten Schwan, Ada Gavrilovska, Ling Liu, Carlton Pu, and Sudha Yalamanchili(G Tech).
ISTC Highlight Details:
- The Cloud Computing ISTC had an opening ceremony on Oct 19th at CMU with Wen-Hann Wang(Executive Sponsor) and Rich Uhlig(Managing Sponsor) in attendance along with Jared Cohon (CMU President) and Mark Kamlet (CMU Provost). Also in attendance were Limor Fix, Matt Haycock, Vida Ilderem, and Ravi Iyer. Other notables on the CMU side included Randy Bryant (Dean of the school of Computer Science), Ed Schlesinger (Dept Chair of Electrical and Computer Engineering) and Pradeep Khosla (Dean of the College of Engineering). The 6th International Open Cirrus summit was held at Georgia Tech with significant ISTC-CC participation.
- M. Satyanarayanan (CMU), Dan Siewiorek (CMU) and Martial Hebert (CMU) received a $1.2 million NSF award for "Assistive Cloudlet-based Mobile Computing for the Cognitively Impaired", greatly amplifying the ISTC-CC’s ‘to the edge’ cloud research. Dan Siewiorek was also awarded an NSF SBIR grant.
- Garth Gibson (CMU) received a $1.4M LANL/CMU Institute for Reliable High Performance Information Technology (IRHPIT) award. Garth also received a $300K equipment award from NSF for a High Core Count Computer, as part of the NSF Parallel Reconfigurable Observational Environment for Data Intensive Supercomputing and High End Computing (PRObE).
- Ada Gavrilovska (GA Tech) received NSF funding for 'to the edge' cloud research via NSF's EAGER program.
- Georgia Tech student Priyanka Tembey, co-advised by Drs. Schwan and Gavrilovska, was awarded an Intel PhD Fellowship.
- Jeff Parkhurst and Greg Ganger (CMU) met with George Cox (Intel) and Scott Buck (Intel) during their visit to CMU in October, to introduce them to ISTC-CC activities. Garth Gibson (CMU) is in conversation with Scott Buck r.e. funding new course material development in cloud computing.
Schedule of upcoming events and milestones
- 7 papers from ISTC-CC researchers will be presented at SOSP and SOCC conferences, October 24-28.
- First annual ISTC-CC Retreat, December 8-9, on CMU campus. All are welcome—email to register and for further details.
Technical highlights
- The Georgia Tech CERCS team hosted a very successful Open Cirrus summit on October 12-13. See The conference attendees focused on opportunities for cooperation/amplification as plans were discussed to both (a) pursue joint funding for the UIUC, CMU, and GaTech sites and (b) collaborate with other testbeds such as FutureGrid and OpenNimbus. Ada Gavrilovska (GA Tech) and Michael Kozuch (Intel) were the co-PC chairs, and there were a number of presentations by ISTC-CC folks.
- A Mobisys’11 paper on SignalGuru by Margaret Martonosi (Princeton), Emmanouil Koukoumidis (Princeton grad student) and Li-Shiuan Peh (MIT), which won the best paper award, has generated a fair amount of general press coverage, including from the Economist SignalGuru works by having cell phones collaborate to share info about traffic light transitions they have witnessed. The collaboration is central to improving the accuracy of predictions about when the traffic lights will transition. See
- Publications summary for this path month (partial list):
- Submissions to HPCA’12 (4 papers), NSDI’12 (3 papers), FAST’12 (3 papers), PerCom’12, and HotMobile’12.
- Acceptances to LISA’11, SC’11, IEEE Transactions on Service Computing, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (Special Issue on Cloud Data Management), and MICRO’11 (3 papers).
- Publications in IEEE Cluster’11, Allerton ’11, IEEE Transactions on Computers, and CollaborateCom’11.
Sponsor group interaction highlights
- Wen-Hann Wang and Rich Uhlig visited the ISTC-CC and met with faculty and students.
- The four-members of the Intel ISTC-CC team plus David Andersen (CMU faculty) met with Rich Uhlig and several members of his team to discuss uClusters and the possibility of hosting and experimenting with one in the ISTC-CC at some point next year.
- Babu Pillai continued discussions with Greg Regnier and Nilesh Jain on the utility of Cloud-Edge infrastructure. They are planning a small set of experiments to study the effects of WAN and LAN bandwidth on interactive applications using the cloud, and discussing the possibility of using the existing SLIPstream/Sprout code base as a demo and test vehicle for this effort.
Other ISTC highlights
CIC 410 was officially handed over to CMU on Oct 1st.
List of publications
[List of the publications that were PUBLISHED by center researchers during the month. This does not include submissions or acceptances, just publications.]
- “ResourceExchange: Latency-Aware Scheduling in Virtualized Environments with High Performance Fabrics”, Adit Ranadive, Ada Gavrilovska, Karsten Schwan, IEEE Cluster'11, September 2011.
- Anshul Gandhi and Mor Harchol-Balter. "How Data Center Size Impacts the Effectiveness of Dynamic Power Management", 49th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, September 2011.
- “Prefetch-Aware Memory Controllers”, Chang Joo Lee, Onur Mutlu, Veynu Narasiman, and Yale N. Patt, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 60(10), October 2011.
- "Collaborating with Executable Content Across Space and Time", Mahadev Satyanarayanan, Vasanth Bala, Gloriana St. Clair, Erika Linke, 7th International Conference on Collaborative Computing, October 2011.
List of presentations
- Satya (CMU) gave an IBM Centennial Lecture in Austin, TX.
- Satya (CMU) gave a Cray Lecture at the University of Minnesota.
- Satya (CMU) gave a keynote talk at the 7th International Conference on Collaborative Computing, Orlando, FL.
- Phil Gibbons (Intel) gave a distinguished lecture at Cornell University on the Hi-Spade project.
- Dan Siewiorek (CMU) gave a keynote talk on “Virtual Coaches in Health Care: A Vision of the Future” at the National WIC Association, 2011 Technology Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.
- Adit Ranadive (GA Tech grad student) presented a paper at IEEE Cluster Computing’11 (see the above publications list for details).
- Mor Harchol-Balter (CMU) presented a paper at the 49th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (see above for details).
- Greg Ganger (CMU) presented "Overview of ISTC-CC" at the Open Cirrus summit.
- Anshul Gandhi (CMU grad student) presented a paper entitled “Distributed, Robust Auto-Scaling Policies for Power Management in Compute Intensive Server Farms,” which was co-authored by Anshul Gandhi, Mor Harchol-Balter (CMU), and Michael Kozuch (Intel), at the Open Cirrus summit.
- Babu Pillai (Intel) presented a paper entitled “Running Interactive Perception Applications on Open Cirrus” at the Open Cirrus summit.
- Swapnil Patil (CMU grad student) presented a paper entitled "YCSB++ Benchmarking Tool: Performance Debugging Advanced Features of Scalable Table Stores" at the Open Cirrus summit.
- Garth Gibson (CMU) presented "Scalable Table Stores: Tools for Understanding Advanced Key-Value Systems for Hadoop" at the SNIA Storage Developer Conference, Santa Clara, CA.
- Garth Gibson (CMU) presented "Storage Systems" at the ORNL Discovery 2015, Oak Ridge, TN.