Ling Liu's SC13 paper "Large Graph Processing Without the Overhead" featured by HPCwire.
ISTC-CC provides a listing of useful benchmarks for cloud computing.
Another list highlighting Open Source Software Releases.
Second GraphLab workshop should be even bigger than the first! GraphLab is a new programming framework for graph-style data analytics.
ISTC-CC Abstract
Consistent, Durable, and Safe Memory Management for Byte-addressable Non Volatile Main Memory
First ACM Conference on Timely Results in Operating Systems (TRIOS’13), with SOSP’13, November 2013.
Iulian Moraru, David G. Andersen, Michael Kaminsky*, Parthasarathy Ranganathan†, Niraj Tolia‡, Nathan Binkert^
Carnegie Mellon University
*Intel Labs
This paper presents three building blocks for enabling the efficient and safe design of persistent data stores for emerging non-volatile memory technologies. Taking the fullest advantage of the low latency and high bandwidths of emerging memories such as phase change memory (PCM), spin torque, and memristor necessitates a serious look at placing these persistent storage technologies on the main memory bus. Doing so, however, introduces critical challenges of not sacrificing the data reliability and consistency that users demand from storage. This paper introduces techniques for (1) robust wear-aware memory allocation, (2) preventing of erroneous writes, and (3) consistency-preserving updates that are cacheefficient. We show through our evaluation that these techniques are efficiently implementable and effective by demonstrating a B+-tree implementation modified to make full use of our toolkit.