Ling Liu's SC13 paper "Large Graph Processing Without the Overhead" featured by HPCwire.
ISTC-CC provides a listing of useful benchmarks for cloud computing.
Another list highlighting Open Source Software Releases.
Second GraphLab workshop should be even bigger than the first! GraphLab is a new programming framework for graph-style data analytics.
ISTC-CC Abstract
A Case for Small Row Buffers in Non-Volatile Main Memories
Proceedings of the 30th IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD'12) Poster Session, September 2012.
Justin Meza, Jing Li* Onur Mutlu
Carnegie Mellon University
*IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
DRAM-based main memories have read operations that destroy the read data, and as a result, must buffer large amounts of data on each array access to keep chip costs low. Unfortunately, system-level trends such as increased memory contention in multi-core architectures and data mapping schemes that improve memory parallelism lead to only a small amount of the buffered data to be accessed. This makes buffering large amounts of data on every memory array access energy-inefficient; yet organizing DRAM chips to buffer small amounts of data is costly, as others have shown [11].
Emerging non-volatile memories (NVMs) such as PCM, STT-RAM, and RRAM, however, do not have destructive read operations, opening up opportunities for employing small row buffers without incurring additional area penalty and/or design complexity. In this work, we discuss and evaluate architectural changes to enable small row buffers at a low cost in NVMs. We find that on a multi-core system, reducing the row buffer size can greatly reduce main memory dynamic energy compared to a DRAM baseline with large row sizes, without greatly affecting endurance, and for some NVM technologies, leads to improved performance.